
Perspectives on online learning

www.firstmonday.org has published a paper that adds theoretical perspectives to the discussion about online learning, or e-learning - "Theories and models of and for online learning"

The authors of the paper see changes in teaching and learning emerging from the nexus of a changing landscape of information and communication technologies, an active and motivated teaching corps that has worked to derive new approaches to teaching, an equally active and motivated learning corps that has contributed as much to how to teach online as they have to how to learn while online, with others, and away from a campus setting. We see the need for, and the emergence of, new theories and models of and for the online learning environment, addressing learning in its ICT context, considering both formal and informal learning, individual and community learning, and new practices arising from technology use in the service of learning.

This paper presents six theoretical perspectives on learning in ICT contexts, and is an invitation to others to bring theoretical models to the fore to enhance our understanding of new learning contexts.

The full paper can be downloaded at: http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue12_8/haythorn/

And here's a video with a student's perspective of online learning:

Go to About-eLearning.com for more on e-learning

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